Tel: 02 4369 6629
Functional Massage
Functional massage is a very useful tool for the assessment and treatment of muscles and joints, it is also used for pain relief. This highly effective technique, introduced by Olaf Evjenth into KEOMT, combines passive joint mobilisation and treatment of regional muscles. It is a massage technique that simultaneously combines muscle compression, muscle stretching, and joint mobilisation.

Stretching and Auto-Stretching
The KEOMT stretching method incorporates Proprioceptive Neuromucular Facilitation (PNF) techniques in order to facilitate muscle relaxation prior to specific longitudinal or transverse muscle stretching. It is based on the patient’s and therapist’s ergonomics. Stretching and Auto-stretching techniques are part of most typical treatments.

Joint Mobilisation
In the KEOMT concept, specific three-dimensional joint testing is used to evaluate and treat joint dysfunction. A joint dysfunction can be assessed and treated according to the end-feel and the amount of movement that can be palpated during traction and gliding tests (translatoric movements). Joint compression is also used to specifically provoke symptoms that are related to a joint dysfunction. The aim of joint mobilisation is to relieve pain and to restore normal rolling and gliding of the joint, which is necessary for normal active movement.
Joint Manipulation - high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA)
Manipulation is considered an advanced form of joint mobilisation often used to correct acutely 'locked' joints - it shares the same biomechanical principles as mobilisation. KEOMT manipulation techniques use linear translatoric movements (traction or gliding), usually performed in the joint’s resting position. All KEOMT techniques use very specific positioning and short levers through which a high velocity, low amplitude, and low force thrust is delivered. KEOMT thrust techniques are highly effective and safe. KEOMT physiotherapists have to undergo extensive, lengthy training in joint mobilisation prior to practising manipulative techniques.
Medical Exercise Therapy
Medical Exercise Therapy provides specific rehabilitation programs, for example after occupational or sporting injuries. Programs are tailored to the individual's specific needs following a physical biomechanical and movement assessment. Patients are educated and trained in order to improve their postural awareness and to rectify muscle imbalances. This allows the development of better movement patterns, which is the base for future injury prevention as well as for achieving higher goals in sporting performance.

Dry Needling
Dry needling is an extremely effective technique. It can be used to improve acute and chronic pain conditions, to facilitate tissue healing after injuries or to release hypertonic (taut) muscles that hold trigger points. Myofascial trigger points are discrete, hyperirritable areas located in a taut band of skeletal muscles. They can cause local and referred pain, which is very common in chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The overactive, hypertonic muscle is released by inserting thin filament (acupuncture) needles into the specific taut areas. Subsequently, the patient often experiences a sense of relief and an increased range of motion. When Dry Needling is used in conjunction with specific Manual Therapy techniques, corrective exercises and taping, it offers longer-lasting benefits for the patient.

Taping can be used to facilitate recovery in a wide range of conditions. Depending on the condition, either rigid sports tape or dynamic tape, or even a combination of both will be used. Acute sprain injuries of joints are usually stabilised with rigid tape applications.
Dynamic tape applications can be used in the management of many acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. They may assist with ‘turning down the volume on pain’ or help to reduce swelling and bruising. Dynamic taping can further be used to increase a patient’s awareness of incorrect joint positions or posture and may help to ‘regulate muscle tone’ and facilitate correct movement patterns.
Semi-customised orthotics, orthopaedic appliances such as boots and braces are also available for specific conditions.